- 附近有问询台吗? Is there an information desk near here?
- 吗 morphine
- 问询台的姑娘回答道:“我们可没有时间替人填表格。” The girl at the Enquiry Desk answered,"We haven't got all day to fill in forms for people."
- 这是墨水台吗? Is this an inkstand?
- 噢,李小姐,附近有比较好的西餐馆吗? Oh,Miss Li,do you have any good western food restaurants around here?
- 你们有两人台吗? Have you a table for two?
- 我还有个问题。我们忘记带毛巾了。请问附近有没有商店可以购买? One more question. We forgot to bring my towel. Is there any store around where I can buy one?
- 是电话号码问讯台吗? Is that Directory Enquiries?
- 我家附近有些商店。 There are shops in the neighbourhood of my house.
- 清真寺附近有一家新盖的剧场和一家百货公司。 Near the mosque stand a newly - built theatre and a department store.
- 那你知道附近有哪个地方可能有卖呢? Then, do you know of any place around here where they might?
- 附近有教堂吗? Is there any church nearby?
- 14中学附近有家工厂,已经有几年了。 There has been a factory near No.14 Middle School for several years.
- 附近有停车场吗? Is there a parking lot nearby?
- 在市中心区附近有座新的独立餐馆。 There is a new free-standing restaurant near the down town area.
- 附近有饭店吗? Is there a restaurant handy?
- 篱笆附近有一丛玫瑰,长得非常美丽。 There is a rosebush near the fence and it is very beautiful.
- 在凶猛的熊附近有一只温顺的鹿子。 There is a soft deer near the fierce bear.
- 附近有药房吗? Is there a drugstore near here?
- 我家附近有个商店专卖奶酪和豆腐。 There's a store near my house that specializes in cheese and tofu.