- 附近有便利店吗? But is there a convenience store?
- 不知道这附近有没有便利商店? I wonder if there is a convenience store nearby.
- 不知道这附近有没有便利商店? I wonder if there is a convenience store nearby.
- 吗 morphine
- 附近有水果店吗? Is there a fruit shop near hear?
- 店 store
- 幸好有便利的大众运输系统,如捷运,公车等。 Fortunately, there are very sufficient public transportation system like speed trains and buses in Taipei to solve the traffic problems.
- 便利店 Convenience store
- 你知道附近有没有纪念品店吗? Do you know a souvenir shop around here?
- 又有便利的水陆通道,处于南北交通的要冲。 it lied in communications center of the traffic from south to north.
- 这会取代便利店吗? Is this gonna replace the convenience store?
- 设计10万人的市镇,有教堂、中小学及幼稚园,并有便利的交通网络,由铁路所连接。 A town with a population of 100,000 contained church, schools and efficient railway linkage.
- 附近有两只他们来这个岛坐的独木船。 Nearby were two canoes in which they had came to the island.
- 你想去那间新开张的卡拉OK店吗? Do you feel like going to that new karaoke bar?
- 附近有教堂吗? Is there any church nearby?
- 零售生命周期理论的一个经验证明:日本便利店的发展历程 An Empirical Testimony of Retail Sale Life Cycle Theory: The Development Process of Convenience Storesin Japan
- 我还有个问题。我们忘记带毛巾了。请问附近有没有商店可以购买? One more question. We forgot to bring my towel. Is there any store around where I can buy one?
- 他自己有店吗? Has he business of his own?
- 附近有停车场吗? Is there a parking lot nearby?
- 刚才你是在肉店吗? Were you at the butcher's?