- 问题可以解决了吗?我们能是个正常的家庭吗? Can we work it out? Can we be a family?
- 不但宗派主义的问题可以解决,其他的许多问题也都可以解决了。 Not only will the problem of sectarianism be solved,but many other problems as well.
- 在这样的课上很多问题可以解决。 You can arrive at a solution of many problems in these classes.
- 你和审计员一起把帐目上的问题解决了吗? Do you sort out the account problem with the auditor?
- “大概这个阳历七月底,总可以解决了罢?死伤那么重,不能拖延得很久的!” "I should think the war will be over by the end of July, though," Wu Sun-fu said optimistically, forcing a smile
- 现在不是讲什么这样那样的问题可以讨论吗? Isn't it often said nowadays that this or that question is open to discussion?
- 你解决了怎么到达那里的问题了吗? Have you sorted out how to get there yet?
- 调两次、三次,总可以解决了吧。 Do it two or three times and the problem will ultimately be solved.
- 有了电视,有些问题可以很快得以解决。 With a TV set some problems can be solved quickly.
- 你解决问题了吗? Did you solve a problem?
- 有了统一的方针、政策和计划,再加上华北的帮助,问题就可以解决。 Unified guidelines,policies and plans,plus help from north China,will solve the problem.
- 目前台湾和大陆都已加入了世贸组织。台湾方面提出台湾问题可以在世贸组织架构下解决。 Now that the Mainland and Taiwan have jointed the WTO,the Taiwan side has proposed that questions between the two sides can be resolved within the framework of the WTO.
- 可以解决的问题;可解之谜 solvable problems;a solvable riddle.
- 波普尔解决休谟归纳问题了吗? Has Popper Solved Hume's Question?
- 莫利主观地认为,如果她去澳洲,她的问题就全解决了。 Mollie got it into her head that her problems would cease to exist if she went to Australia.
- 处理相同问题可以采用不同的解决办法。 It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way.
- 五块钱能帮你解决问题了吗? Would five yuan help you out?
- 只是在做了几百次实验之后,他们才成功地解决了这一问题。 Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments did they succeed in solving the problem.
- 改变度水加入点,可以解决这些问题。 By changing the point for the introduction of wastewater these problems can be solved.
- 未能枚举组件类别的类。这个问题可以通过使用群集管理器解决。 Failed to enumerate the classes of component categories. This issue can be resolved using Cluster Administrator.