- 问那事做什麽? What is that to you?
- 你为什麽做那事,你这个笨蛋? Why did you do that, you cretin?
- 不要客气。嘿,我们到了,这就是学生活动中心,你要在这里做什麽? Don't mention it. Say, here we are. This is the student center. What are you going to do here?
- 那事做得蠢! That was a silly thing to do!
- 问:司法体系做什麽事? What does the judicial branch do?
- 那事做起来可真危险,当时你很有可能会受重伤。 That was a chancy thing to do; you could have been badly injured.
- 问:制宪会议是做什麽? What happened at the Constitutional Convention?
- 你自己是否清楚该做什麽? Are you quite clear in your own mind what you ought to do?
- 他做什麽都不行。 He is totally inept.
- 弄清楚自己在做什麽! Do look what you are doing!
- 你假期打算做什麽? What are your plans for the holidays?
- 你有什麽权利做那事? What right have you to do that?
- 中国的老百姓,不论是做什麽工作的,都很关心国家大事。 Chinese people, no matter what job they have, are all concerned about important government affairs.
- 我直截了当地问他在那里做什麽呢. I asked him point-blank what he was doing there.
- 为什麽要做那件事呢? What's the sense of doing that?
- 她究竟在做什麽? What ever is she doing?
- 我略知他打算做什麽。 I had an inkling of what he intended to do.
- 因此犹太人问他说:“你既做这些事,还显什麽神迹给我们看呢? Then the Jews demanded of him, "What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?
- 今天我们做什麽? What are we doing today?
- 他做那件事的动机是什麽? What was his motive for doing that?