- 门牌号码是多少? What's the number?
- 门牌号码正确无误。 The house number checked.
- 我可以给你打电话吗?玛尔塔:当然可以。米盖尔:你的电话号码是多少?玛尔塔 May I call you some day? Marta: Of course. Miguel: What's your telephone number?
- 没问题。您预订了5:30的叫起服务。您的房间号码是多少? That's no problem. 5:30 is booked for your alarm call. What's your room number?
- 地名管理:改进完善北京市现有城市地名系统,提出科学完整的地名命名体系,完成北京道路及公共设施的补充命名和确立新的门牌号码工作。 Place naming - we will review and refine the existing toponomy system of Beijing and work out a scientific and well-developed place naming system. Supplementary naming work will be done on the Beijing streets and public facilities and a new house number system will be adopted.
- 地名管理。改进完善北京市现有城市地名系统,提出科学完整的地名命名体系,完成北京道路及公共设施的补充命名和确立新的门牌号码工作; Place naming - we will review and refine the existing toponomy system of Beijing and work out a scientific and well-developed place naming system. Supplementary naming work will be done on the Beijing streets and public facilities and a new house number system will be adopted.
- 电话查询台的电话号码是多少? What number shall I dial for directory enquiry?
- 这家航空公司的行李重量限额是多少? What is the baggage allowance of this airline?
- 这些数字的总和是多少? How much do all these figures stack up to?
- 号码是内嵌文件的号码,因此可能会在某些部分号码不连续。 Numbers correspond to internal numbering, and thus may be higher than the number of audio files for that section.
- 协调关税号码是通用的海关标准,是有效开展全球贸易之必需。 Harmonized tariff codes are the universal customs standard that you must use to conduct trade efficiently on a global scale.
- 我想打一个通伦敦的叫号电话,费率是多少? I want to make a station-to-station call to London. How much is the rate?
- 我叫托尼·史密斯,住上海宾馆2107房间,我的电话号码是 My name is Tony Smith, Shanghai Hotel Room 2107. My phone number is
- 请报德克萨斯州产中等棉花50包、11月份交货的最低格是多少? At what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling texas cotton for november?
- 我的名字是杰瑞陈,班机号码是飞往洛杉矶的联合航空003班机。 My name is Jerry Cheng, and the flight number is 003 for Los Angeles.
- 导师的博士生平均多久能够拿到学位?学生的退学率是多少? What is the average time their Ph.D. Students take to finish their degrees? What is the dropout rate for their students?
- 周一乐透号码是从装有45个球的机器中抽取,号码从1到45,包括1和45。 Monday Lotto numbers are drawn from a machine containing 45 balls, numbered from 1 to 45 inclusive.
- 萨科齐的前任者在罢工问题上做出了退让,而他退让的机率是多少? What are the chances of his fluffing it, as his predecessors did?
- 我想租一辆小型车,是为业务上的需要,你们最优惠价格是多少? I'd like to rent a small car for business use. What's your best rate?
- 余先生,一切都没问题。您从今天订到星期五,是单人房,房间号码是505。这是您的钥匙。 Mr. Yu, everything is O.K. Your booking is from today through Friday. Single room. Your room number is 505. Here's your key.