- 托米长袖纯棉T恤 Tommy Hilfiger long sleeves Cotton T-shirt red
- 鄂鱼长袖纯棉条纹T恤 Locoste classic T-shirt long sleeves
- 鄂鱼短袖纯棉T恤 Locoste classic T-shirt short stripe sleeves
- 鳄鱼短袖纯棉T恤横条纹 LACOSTE short sleeves T-shirt with strips
- 保罗长袖纯棉螺纹深绿 Polo by ralph Lauren long sleeves dark green
- 保罗长袖纯棉螺纹深红 Polo by ralph Lauren long sleeves deep red
- 纯棉T恤有袖扣红色/白色 Classic long T-shirt cuff button
- 棉 cotton
- 长袖 long sleeve
- 香港求购有机棉T恤 Buy Organic Cotton T-Shirt And Towel
- 不纯 impurity
- 保罗长袖纯棉螺纹红色 Polo by ralph Lauren long sleeves red
- 保罗男式短袖中灰色T恤 Polo man short sleeve T-SHIRT gray M--XXL
- 棉球 tampon
- 棉袜 quilted stockings
- 用热水清洗后,我的T恤缩水了。 My t-shirt drew after it was washed in hot water.
- 玻璃棉 glass wool
- 镜头移向沙漠。我们听到并且看到吉普森普雷兹被一个高个的穿着灰色T恤的男人领着。 Camera pans across the desert. At the edge of a cliff we hear and see GIBSON PRAISE being led by a tall man in a gray T-shirt.
- 保罗长袖纯棉螺纹白色 Polo by ralph Lauren long sleeves white
- 我方已不再生产纯棉衬衫因为其零售价格只能吸引高档消费者。 We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract that upper end of the market.