- 错在哪里为何错了?--对近年来物化劳动创造价值理论的评析 What's Wrong and What is the Reason? -- An Analysis of Substance - labour- creating - value - theory in Recent Years
- 现在我决定步行回家,反思一下这些年来我究竟错在哪里。” I am going to walk home now and contemplate where I have gone wrong all these years.
- "他多次尝试打开车门,但都不得要领,因为他用错了钥匙。" "All his attempts to unlock the car were futile, because he was using the wrong key."
- 我们失利了, 事後一想, 我终於明白了错在哪里. We failed, and with (the benefit of) hindsight I now see where we went wrong.
- 在哪里 where
- 保存文件到底错在哪里? What’s Wrong with Saving Changes to Files?
- 我走错了路。 I took the wrong way.
- 错就错在没有禁止吃蛇,不然的话,亚当就很可能把蛇吃掉了。 The mistake is in not forbidding the serpent;then Adam will have eaten the serpent.
- 错在哪里:西方的冲击和中东的回应 What Went Wrong: Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response
- 好!好!请冷静下来,先生。告诉我你在哪里,发生了什么事? Ok, ok- just try to calm down, sir, and tell me where you are and what's happened.
- 你错在没有提出抗议。 You were wrong in not making a protest.
- 上次考试他给我指点错了,所以我没及格。 He gave me a bum steer on the last exam that I failed.
- 不知哪儿有个错误;我们得再把帐目彻底过一下,看错在哪儿。 There is a mistake somewhere; we'll have to go through the accounts andsee where it is.
- 她问我本在哪里,我没有告诉她。如果她知道了,一定非常生气。 I just kept mum when she asked me where Ben was. She'd be furious if she knew.
- "他为人诚实。如果你认为他不是的话,那你就判断错了。" "He's honest, and you misjudge him if you think he isn't."
- 不是错在四个坚持本身,而是错在坚持得不够一贯,教育和思想政治工作太差。 The mistake was not in the principles themselves,but in the failure to keep to them consistently enough and to do a good job in education and in ideological and political work.
- 这对我们反正都是一样,不要弄错了。 It won't make any difference to us; make no mistake about it.
- 不要拐弯抹角了,告诉我究竟错在哪里。 Stop beating about the bush and tell me what is really wrong.
- 独立思考,敢想、敢说、敢做,固然也难免犯错误,但那是错在明处,容易纠正。 It is true that people who think independently and dare to speak out and act can't avoid making mistakes,but their mistakes are out in the open and are therefore more easily rectified.
- "你们俩个完全错了,"他说,"谁都看得出来,这头大象就象一条蛇。" "You're both You're both completely wrong, " he said. "This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see."