- 钓鱼是他主要的休?娱乐。 Fishing is his major distraction.
- 至于被告,他听他们说着,面上露出惊讶的样子,照控诉词上说,这是他主要的自卫方法。 The prisoner had listened to them, with that astounded face which was, according to the accusation, his principal means of defence
- 钓鱼是他最喜欢的消遣。 Fishing is his favorite pursuit.
- 粗鲁是他主要的缺点。 Rudeness is his chief shortcoming.
- 我承认他年老体衰,然而尽管如此,他仍是优秀的政治家。 I accept that he's old and frail; be that as it may, he's still a good politician.
- 钓鱼是他的主要爱好. Angling is his main hobby.
- 教育专家指出他主要的难题之一是与大学教授之间的权力之争。 Education experts say one of his main difficulties was a power struggle with professors who control undergraduate education.
- 钓鱼是他最喜欢的消遣活动。 Fishing is his favourite relaxation.
- 他提醒自己他并不爱罗伯塔,桑德拉才是他想娶的姑娘。 He told himself that he did not love Roberta, that it was Sondra whom he wished to marry.
- 钓鱼是他的主要娱乐。 Fishing is his major distraction.
- 他主要的担心是他缺乏经验。 His chief worry was that he lacked experience.
- 下棋和网球是他最喜爱的娱乐活动。 Chess and tennis are his favorite diversions.
- 他主要的忧虑还是沟通和激励的问题。 His major worries were communication and motivation.
- 小王,从伤兵名单回来后,这才是他的第二场出赛,看起来投的有点生锈和不稳。 Wang, making only his second start after his own DL stint with a hamstring injury, looked to still be shaking off some rust.
- 他主要的保护来自警方和私人保镖。 His major protection comes from the police and private bodyguard.
- “他的态度纯粹是他平时善良心地的自然流露”(亨利·詹姆斯) "His attitude was simply a flower of his general good nature" (Henry James)
- 关于节约和平衡预算的事,他谈了许多,这是他后来必定要懊悔的。 He said many things about economy and a balanced budget that he must have regretted afterward.
- "他虽然是个工程师,但他主要是受聘管理一家大企业。" "Although he's an engineer, he's principally employed in controlling a large business."
- 凡事节制勿过度,这是他追求愉快、健康生活的座右铭。 Do everything in moderation and nothing to excess was his motto for a happy and healthy life.
- 每天都有他人的大宗钱财经过银行家之手,但这些钱都不是他的。 Large sums of other people's money go through a banker's hand in any one day,but none of it is his.