- 酒店预定房间价格? What will be the Rack Rate that your hotel expects?
- 对于个人旅游者来说,则需要如酒店预定房间的证明、机票、旅游保险等。 For individual travelers,requirements such as hotel reservation,air tickets,travel insurance,etc.are required.
- 对了,房间价格多少? By the way. What's the price of the room?
- 预定房间 reservation
- 适时开办2008年奥运酒店预定等业务。 Hotel reservations and other services for the 2008 Olympics shall begin at the appropriate time.
- 明白了,房间价格如何呢? I see.How much will that be ?
- 新加坡四星五星酒店预定 Singapore four-to-five Star Hotel Reservation
- 山姆最想先从接待员那儿知道什么?简:山姆想先把房间价格搞清楚。 What would Sam like to know from the receptionist first? Jane: Sam would like to know how much the room costs.
- 东京丽思卡尔顿酒店预定情况 Reservations and Requests for The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo
- 向旅馆预定房间 Book accommodation at a hotel
- 目标价格 target price
- 商务旅行,酒店预定,旅游咨询 Arrangement of hotel, make itinerary for business trip or travel
- 参考价格 price indication
- 平均价格 average price
- 大房间 bullpen
- 出厂价格 price at factory
- 成交价格 knockdown price
- 我想预定房间。 I want to book a room.
- 到岸价格 C.I.F
- 打扫房间 clean the room