- 邮递员今天早晨来了吗? Has postman come this morning?
- 你们塞鲁船长今天早晨来过,并且告诉他人工臭氧层有了洞。 Your captain,Seru,was here earlier this morning and began to tell him about the holes in the AOL.
- 邮递员今天比往常来得迟。 The postman is behind his usual time today.
- 你熬过来了吗? Did you ever get over it?
- 今天早晨或许所有的黑人男女都在议论他;或许他们都在恨他,因为他给他们招来了这场袭击。 Maybe all of the black men and women were talking about him this morning; maybe they were hating him for having brought this attack upon them.
- 你到车站时火车已经来了吗? Have the train arrive when you get to the station?
- 今天早晨我六点钟醒来。 I woke up at six this morning.
- 我在早晨来上班的路上差点出事,一辆车差点就撞到我了! I had a close call on the way to the office this morning. A car almost hit me!
- 他们肯定不会来了吗? Sure as fate they will not come?
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 今天早晨报上有什么有趣的新闻吗? Are there any interesting news items in the paper this morning?
- 在明天早晨来采访你。 in the morning to interview you.
- 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。 Three members of the class were absent this morning.
- “邮件来了吗?”“我看看。” 'Has the mail come yet?' 'I'll look and see.
- 明天早早晨来我写字楼怎么样? How about dropping into my office tomorrow morning?
- `今天早晨谁睡过头了?'她风趣地问。 `Who overslept this morning?' She quipped.
- 哈佛大学简介来了吗? Has the Harvard catalog come yet?
- `邮递员来过了吗?'`我这就去看看。' `Has the postman been yet?' `I'll just look and see.'
- 今天早晨我看见后院有一只野兔。 I saw a hare in my backyard this morning.
- 玛丽今天早晨打扫了房间。 Mary cleaned the room this morning.