- 那该如何是好? What shall I do?
- (没有你)我该如何是好 Tanya Tucker - (Without You) What Do I Do With Me
- 那 which
- 如何 what
- 到底该把她抓住呢,还是把她放了呢,我不知如何是好。 I was in twenty minds whether to catch her or to let her go.
- 要是不理睬那些变化多端的技术特性而继续干我们的工作,那该是多么好啊! How wonderful it would be to ignore the capricious nature of technology-and get on with our work
- 若是生活中没有你存在该如何是好? How I'm gon-na do without You around in my life and how am I?
- 斯蒂芬妮·达丽:如果我相信的却不是真实的,那该怎么办? Stephanie Daley: What if what I believe turns out not to be true?
- 昨天我一下子产生了很多的疑问,以致我不知如何是好。 I had so many queries at once yesterday that I didn't know whether I was coming or going.
- 要是时光能够倒转,那该多好啊。 I'd give any things to turn back time.
- 事情发生得如此之快,她感到心绪烦乱,不知下一步如何是好。 Things are happening so fast that she's at sixes and sevens about what to do next.
- 我要是知道用什么简便方法能弄到钱,那该多好! I wish I knew a quick way to get my hands on a little lettuce.
- 不知如何是好 not know whether one is coming or going
- 朗诺不知该如何打好高尔夫球。 Ronald doesn't know how to play golf properly.
- 那是过去时态,要是说你到了圣诞节假日又要大吃大喝了,那该怎么说? Not really. But don't forget that when you use it in the past tense, pig out should be pigged out.
- 如何是好 what to do
- 但是,就象我前面说过的那样,我们要是能够提前补完,那该怎么办? But,as I said earlier,what if we are able to do it sooner?
- 没有它我真不知如何是好。 I just can't think what I'll do without it.
- 要是他能和帕迪和平共处那该有多好! If only he and Paddy got on better together!
- 她不知如何是好,无论她给孩子做什么东西,他都不肯吃。 She's at her wit's end: the child refuses to eat anything she cooks for him.