- 那您要多少房租呢? And how much do you charge for it?
- 那要多少房租呢? What price would that be?
- 你要多少房租? What sort of price are you asking?
- 那 which
- 那要多少钱呢? How much will that cost?
- 呢 (question particle)
- 多少 how much
- 你怎么能忽略付房租呢? How could you overlook paying the rent?
- 那要多少钱? What does it cost?
- 住这样的房子,你们得交多少房租? How much rent do you have to pay for a house like this?
- 那要看你如何应付这问题而定。 It all depends on how you tackle the problem.
- 你交多少房租? How much do you pay for rent?
- 你愿付多少房租? How much do you want to pay?
- 那要看交通状况。你为什么不搭快运路线去呢?那要便宜得多,也比较快。 It depends on traffic.But why don't you use the Rapid Transit System? That'd be much cheaper and faster.
- 你房子付多少房租。 How much rent do you pay for your house?
- 要多少钱 how much
- 你要多少就可拿多少。 You may take as many as you want.
- 服务生:好的,那要不要来一个刚出炉的烤面包呢?很不错的。 Waitress: OK, and do you want some fresh baked bread? It's very good.
- 一桶石油要多少钱? How much does a barrel of oil cost?
- 修鞋要多少钱? How much do you charge for mending shoes?