- 那是一次什么样的聚会?我得这穿得一本正经的吗? What sort of function is it? Do I have to put on my best bib and tucher?
- 那是一次“不落俗套”的聚会,一切形式礼节都免了! That was an unconventional party, where formalities are ruled out.
- 那是一种什么样的生活呀--孤苦零丁,飘泊不定,一点幸福也没有。 What a life it is! It is a very lonely, restless, joyless life.
- 那是一次了不起的聚会! That was a terrific party!
- 这种只谈你的儿时的话题对我来说是一堆废话。我的童年时代可没有给我留下美好的回忆。 All this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. I have no happy memories of my childhood.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 那是一次令人难忘的经历。 It was an unforgettable experience.
- 他不知那是个什么样的地方:是一块光秃秃的岩石,还是农家集居的繁华之地? He wondered what sort of place it was: a barren lump of rock, or a thriving community of farmers?
- 那肯定是一次很棒的聚会。 It must have been one hell of a party.
- 那是一次最后的诀别。 It was the last parting.
- 他不知那是个什么样的地方:是一块光秃秃的岩石,还是农家集居的繁华之地? He wondered what sort of place it was: a barren lump of rock, or a thriving community of farmers?
- 约翰认为这是一次好机会,决不能让它溜走。 John felt it was a fat chance and he must never let it slip.
- 那是一次成功的试验。 It was a successful experiment.
- 这次聚会结果成了一次耐力测试,而不是一件乐事。 The party turned out to be more of an endurance test than a pleasure.
- 那不行。那是一条通往人家农场的小路。 That's no use. That's a path to someone's farm.
- 那是一次难产。 It was a difficult birth.
- 本应是一次美好的剧院之行却在几分钟内导致了婚姻的破裂。 A nice trip to the theatre reduced to marital disintegration in minutes.
- 那是一本平淡无奇的书,不久他就趴在书上睡著了。 It was a tame book and he soon fell asleep over it.
- 那是一次六小时的飞行。 It was a six-hour flight.
- 她遭受袭击而身受重伤 警方称这是一次“野蛮的袭击”。 She had been badly hurt in what police described as 'a savage attack'.