- 那我们怎么办呢? Well, what should we do?
- 那我们该怎么办呢? Well, what shall we do then?
- 那 which
- 那我们怎么办? What shall we do then?
- 呢 (question particle)
- 如果万一下雨的话,我们怎么办呢? Should it rain, what should we do?
- “那我们怎么办?”他插嘴说。 'But what about us?' he put in.
- 如果万一下雨的话,我们怎么办呢? Should it rain, what should we do?
- 既然那一个公司不投标,那我们必须勇敢地行动,去签署合同。 We must bite the bullet now the other company is not bidding and go for the contract.
- 钱一用完,我们怎么办? How would we cope once the money had gone?
- 如果产生了什么新的资产阶级,那我们就真是走了邪路了。 if a new bourgeoisie emerged, it would mean that we had strayed from the right path.
- 假设他在我们之前赶到家而又进不去呢?那他怎么办呢? What if/Say he goes home before us and can't get in? What will he do then?
- 我丈夫和我交换了一下眼神,我们在用眼神相互传递“我们怎么办?” My husband and I exchanged a look that was a cross between "What do we do?"
- 那我们下去咖啡厅吧。 Let's go down to the coffee shop.
- 那我们刚才看到的是皮带机头。那这里就是它的后面部分。 What we saw just now was the head of the conveyor. And now we're seeing the inner part.
- 什么地方藏着传声器,那该怎么办呢?那叫人多不好意思啊 what if there's a microphone somewhere? I'd be so embarrassed.
- 那我们来看看第八个问题。 Let's turn to item 8 on the agenda.
- 如果他不来,我们怎么办呢? What if he doesn' t come ( What shall we do if he doesn' t com ) ?
- 那我们就不再等了。 In that case, we won't wait any longer.
- 相反的,如果我们的结论是超出一般观点,那我们可能有所发现。 Conversely,if our conclusion unearths new information from the general market,we may have discovered something interesting here.