- 那您要上哪儿? But where are you going?
- 那您要多少房租呢? And how much do you charge for it?
- 那 which
- 那您要洗光面还是布纹面的呢? And do you want the glossy or matted finish?
- 老兄,你要上哪儿去? Say, buster, where are you going?
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发? Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 要上哪儿呀? Where to?
- 如果您完成事务,那您就有责任清除资源管理器构件上的任何可疑事务。 If you finish a transaction, you are responsible for cleaning up any in-doubt transactions on the resource managers affected.
- 盖瑞:你要上哪儿找?你已经人老珠黄了。 GARRETT: Where will you find him? Aren't that many more shopping days' til Christmas.
- 那您要多付20美元。 First class is 20 dollars more.
- 阿珍?你拿著那个箱子要上哪儿去啊,哈尔? Jane: Where are you going with that box, Hal?
- 那您的衣服在哪儿呢? By the way, where is your laundry?
- 主菜您要上些什么呢? And what would you like for your main course?
- 那您知道华安大厦在哪儿吗? Do you know where Hua'an Plaza is?
- 您要什么时候上茶点呢? What time would you like refreshments served?
- 珍妮,小心不要上了那家商店的廉价部的当,那里只卖次品。 Be careful, Jane, not to be taken in by the bargain basement in that store. They sell only shoddy goods there.
- 没有,您要去哪儿? No, where do you want to go?
- 你那条骨折的腿要上石膏。 Your fractured leg should be plaster cast.
- 嗨,您要去哪儿? Hi. Where do you need to go?
- (不要因为要上厕所或买热狗而离开你的座位,因为那骚扰到整行座位的人。 DON'T keep leaving your seat thus disturbing the entire row just so you can nip down to the concourse for a pint/ piss/ hot-dog.