- 那张画多少钱? How much is that picture?
- 那商人告诉我那张画值多少钱时,我为之大吃一惊。 When the dealer told me how much the printing was worth,it shook me to foundations.
- 张 (a surname)
- 那 which
- 别买那张画,它没多少价值。 Don' t buy that painting because it hasn' t much merit.
- 这张画值多少钱? How much is the picture worth?
- 多少钱? How much is it?
- 当我发现自己作过很尖刻批评的那张画是由她所作时,我想收回前言。 I wanted to eat my words when I found out that she had painted the picture I criticized so caustically.
- 那张红木桌纹理精美。 The mahogany table has a fine grain.
- 你想这幅画可以卖多少钱? How much do you think this paint will go for?
- 那张照片不够清晰。 That photograph is not sharp enough.
- 我一下子就认出那张面孔了。 My recognition of the face was immediate.
- 这幅画在拍卖中值多少钱? How much did the painting go for at the auction?
- 他那张宽大的脸上堆满微笑。 A smile overspread his broad face.
- 那些画你卖了多少钱? How much did you realize on those paintings?
- 他沉思地看着那张照片。 He looked at the picture thoughtfully.
- 那张床上留有被人睡过的痕迹。 The bed bore traces of having been slept in.
- 你送去卖的画卖了多少钱? How much did you realized on the paintings you sent to the sale ?
- 我请摄影师把那张照片放大。 I asked the photographer to enlarge the picture.
- 那些画你卖了多少钱? How much did you realize on those paintings?