- 那就是她吗? Is that her?
- 那种做法是她的特色; 那就是她的作风。 It is characteristic of her to act that way.
- 可不就是她吗!面庞比在肯特基故乡时苍白消瘦,无限忧郁隐藏在她眉宇之间。 There she is, paler and thinner than in her Kentucky home, with a world of quiet sorrow lying under the shadow of her long eyelashes.
- 夸耀、夸耀、夸耀,那就是她惟一会做的。 Crow, crow, crow, that's all she does!
- 那就是她本人! And there she was as large as life
- 那就是西北5区吗? Li Would that be N. W. 5?
- 那就是说,我们起飞和到达是在同一天? Does it mean we are departing Beijing and arriving Vancouver on the same day?
- 可不就是她吗!面庞比在肯特基故乡时苍白消瘦,无限忧郁隐藏在她眉宇之间。 There she is, paler and thinner than in her Kentucky home, with a world of quiet sorrow lying under the shadow of her long eyelashes.
- 那就是华盛顿大道了吗? That will be Washington Boulevard?
- 那就是为什么说它电导率较高的原因。 That is why it is said to have a greater conductivity.
- 这就是她一年前穿的那条裙子。 This is the same skirt that she was wearing a year ago.
- 难道那就是现代人类祖先的骨头吗? Were these the bones of ancestors of modern Homo sapiens?
- 只有一种成功,那就是能够用自己的方式度过自己的一生 --莫利 There is only one success--- to be able to spend your life in your own way --Morley
- 那就是她所说的话。 That's what she say.
- 那就是为什么电子计算机在工业上得到广泛应用的原因。 That is why electronic computers find a wide application in industry.
- 那就是说,他只想跟她出去。 So, he only wants to go out with her.
- 那就是说,老时间,老地方啰? That is to say, same time, same place?
- 要是她能够进而消除嬷嬷的猜疑并让她明天不呆在家里,那就太好了。 If she could only lull Mammy's suspicions further and get her out of the house in the morning, all would be well.
- 那就是带着照相机和一卷底片出去久 which is going out with a camera and a roll of film
- 戴维森表示该组织赞同科学的发现,那就是由于人为的原因,全球的温度正在提高。 Mister Davidson says the organization agrees with scientific findings that global warming is happening as a result of human activities.