- 那它会在什么的旁边呢?(问她要什么主菜) Waiter: (whispers) And what will that be on the side of?
- 最危险的是风暴潮,它会在飓风登陆处形成一道水墙,横扫海岸线。 Most dangerous is the storm surge, a wall of water that sweeps across the coastline where hurricane makes landfall.
- 他根据位置概率计算敌人的潜水艇会在什么地方露出水面。 Navy had a world champion chess player, Reuben Fine, calculate-on the basis of positional probability-where enemy submarines might surface.
- 它会在地板上四下走动,受光线的吸引,撞上障碍物后会从障碍物离开。 It would wander around the floor,attracted to light,and hit obstacles and move away from them.
- 将我们置身于只能感受到耶稣的痛楚,却无能为力。如果只有Gibson曾花时间告诉我们这一切,那它又有什么重要的呢。 Puts us in a situation where we can't help but feel Jesus's pain. If only Gibson had taken the time to tell more of us why it mattered.
- “穆丽尔”她说道,“你给我念一下第四条诫律,它是不是说决不睡在床上什么的?” "Muriel," she said, "read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never sleeping in a bed?"
- 那捣蛋鬼已走上了正路。我对我曾大发脾气感到后悔。他们会在我们到那里的时候完成的 The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive.
- 这是本来是一个拼图的游戏,而你所要拼出的却是一只忧伤的袋鼠!最后它会告诉你什么呢? This originally is a game of composite picture, but you want to spell of but BE a kangaroo of sadness! Would it tell you finally what?
- 机械开关闭合时产生的振动,它会在短时间内引起间歇导电 vibration of mechanical switch contacts following closure,which results in a short period of intermittent conduction
- 我听说如果用泰矿充能,它会减低那块泰矿的价值,但是不确定。 I heard that it makes a Tiberium patch less valuable, if you charge it at one, but I am not sure.
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 当一所房子既不在陆地上,又不在水中的时候,它会在哪儿呢?它肯定不会在空中的,所以答案说它在火里。也就是它着火了。 Q: When is a house not on land nor on water? A: When it's on fire.
- 别把它绑在那根老树上,我想它会断的。把它绑在右边的树枝上。 Don't tie it to that old branch. I think it will break. Tie it to the one on the right.
- 别着急,你的手机一定会出来的。我坚信一定可以在什么地方找到它的。 Don't worry, your mobile phone will turn up. I'm sure it will turn up in somewhere.
- 事件驱动的规则也称为事件规则,它会在事件到达之后立即生成通知。 Event-driven rules, referred to as event rules, generate notifications as soon as events arrive.
- 如果一粒葡萄干放进一杯香槟里放,你会发现它会在杯面和杯底之间来回浮动。 If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and then sinking to the bottom.
- 这是一个UNIX格式的文本,所以在一些编辑器中它会出现乱码。 C programming for the complete newbie - This is a UNIX formated textfile , so it can look like a mess in some editors.
- 例如,它会在您浏览某网页后立即找到此网页,或在您阅读一封电子邮件后立即找到该邮件。 For example, it will find a web page immediately after you view it, or an email right after you read it.
- 在被敌人俘虏后使用,它会让你进入一小段时间的假死状态。 Use it if you're taken prisoner by the enemy. It'll send you into a state of false death for a short time.
- 专业的摄影师在采景时都会反复思量,因为它会影响整个作品的主题表达。 All professional photographers will seriously consider the location of their scenes, as it will influence the theme.