- 那双鞋便于走路吗? Are those shoes sensible for walking?
- 那双鞋会伤她的脚。 Those shoes are bad for her feet.
- 吗 morphine
- 那 which
- 你敢黑夜走路吗? Do you dare to walk in the dark?
- 我妻子要我把那双鞋扔掉。 My wife wants me to do away with my shoes.
- 爸爸,你觉得你能行能走路吗? Do you feel up to a walk today, Dad?
- 他那双鞋看样子快穿坏了。 His shoes were beginning to show signs of wear.
- 那种 the sort of
- 是吗 is that right
- 那就是 voila
- 这双鞋糟透了,让我的脚受罪。 This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet.
- 那是 that's
- 那时候 at the time
- 这双鞋是全新的,皮还很硬。 The shoes are brand new and the leather is still very stiff.
- 这双鞋(看样子)穿坏了。 These shoes are showing (signs of) wear.
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。 Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 他那双脏手把纸弄得污迹斑斑。 He smudged the paper with his dirty hands.
- 这双鞋(我)穿著不合适。 These shoes don't fit (me).
- 把你那双脏鞋扔掉。 Get rid of your dirty shoes.