- 那些人排队为的是什么? What are the se people standing in queue for?
- 他中断了他在南非罗得斯大学的学习,为的是成为皇家空军的一名飞行员以抗击德国人。 He had interrupted his studies at Rhodes University in South Africa to fight the Germans as a pilot in the Royal Air Force.
- 一小群人排队给客人送行。 A small crowd is lined up to see the guests off.
- 为的是把我们的革命车轮推进一步,为的是情况已经允许我们进一步了。 The answer is that we desire to push the wheel of revolution forward and that circumstances allow us to do so.
- 让人不放心的,其实是那些认为华文程度这样就够了的华人抱的是什么心态。 The concern is with the mentality of those who feel that the present standard of Chinese is good enough.
- "你们为什么都以我当初决定来指责我?你们那时可都是同意了的。" "Why should you all throw my decisions back at me? You agreed with me at the time."
- 蒙古人 Mongol
- 是什么原因使他辞职的? What caused him to quit his job?
- 如果那些人和船只属于那些同中华人民共和国订有条约、协定的国家,他们的行为应当按照条约、协定办理。 If those persons and vessels belong to countries that have signed relevant accords or agreements with the People's Republic of China,their activities shall be conducted in accordance with those accords or agreements.
- 是什么使得约翰着手这样一个轻率的计划? Whatever made John embark on such a hairbrained scheme?
- 她努力工作,为的是及时做好各项准备。 She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.
- "大多数人不是爱这样的聚会就是爱那样的聚会。" "噢,我可是对任何聚会都讨厌极了。" "Most people favour one or the other party." "Well, I wouldn't be seen dead in a ditch with either of them."
- 好的!是什么事? Sure! What is it?
- 把走私犯联接起来的是条沙做的绳子,一碰就碎。 The bond that binds the smugglers together is a rope of sand.
- 珍妮说了那些关于我的傻话令我很伤心。我没想到她会背后说人坏话。 I was very hurt when Jane made those stupid remarks about me. I had not expected a stab in the back from her.
- 在上一场战争中普鲁士和奥地利争夺的焦点是什么? What did Prussia and Austria contend about in their last war?
- "彼得为啥需要两辆车?" - "他是不需要两辆车,可他的钱多得没处花。" "Why does Peter need two cars?" - "He doesn't, but he's always had money to burn."
- 本质的是物体必不可少的组成部分;固有的 Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent.
- 当然有意义,最主要的是能使人健美。 Surely, the main thing is that it keeps people fit.
- 然后,他装着她好像不在的样子,开始用各种各样可笑的孩子气的方法来炫耀自己,为的是赢得她的好感。 then he pretended he did not know she was present, and began to "show off" in all sorts of absurd boyish ways, in order to win her admiration.