- 那也能叫做食物吗? 我可不吃那行子! Do you call that food? I'm not eating that muck!
- 那也能叫做食物吗? 我可不吃那行子! Do you call that food? I'm not eating that muck!
- 那也能叫做食物吗?我可不吃那行子! Do you call that food? I'm not eating that muck!
- 那也能叫做食物吗?我可不吃那行子! Do you call that food? I'm not eating that muck!
- 你说得一点不错。大家都很忙,没有多少人还会坐在那儿写信。邮局里送来的邮件不是账单,就是广告。这些也能叫做snail mail吗? Everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore.
- 那也是一本书。 It is a book too.
- 你喜欢吃辣的食物吗? Do you like spicy food?
- 这座会堂的音响效果极佳,连最便宜的座位也能听得一清二楚。 The acoustics of the hall are so good that you can hear everything even from the cheapest seats.
- 要是你病了,那也活该。 It'll serve you right if you feel ill.
- 你喜欢意大利食物吗? Do you like Italian food?
- 良好的名声在黑暗中也能闪闪发光。 A good name keeps its luster in the dark.
- 那也好,我看她准会搬走。 Oh, well, I daresay she'll get out.
- 我们家里存有足够的食物吗? Have we got enough food in?
- `史密斯辞职了。'`我从报纸上也能看出他得辞职。' `Smith's resigned.' `I gathered as much from the newspapers.'
- 依我看,那也没太大必要。 In my opinion,I feel that it might be a bit unnecessary.
- 我能来吗?我自带食物。 Can I come? I'll bring my own grub.
- 那也没有理由就此便一直心存怀疑。 it's no reason to walk thereafter with suspicion as a companion.
- 此外,管理人员也能从浏览器配置设备。 Managers can also configure the devices from the browser.
- 你能把那条白母牛从牛群中弄出来吗? Can you cut out the white cow from the herd?
- 不干活的手,即使它再白皙,那也是肮脏的。 The hands which don't work are doomed to be dirty even if they look very fair and clear.