- 那么,你在等谁呢? So, who are you waiting for?
- 你在等谁? Whom are you waiting for?
- 你知道这个年轻人在等谁吗? Do you know who the young man is waiting?
- 这就变得有趣了:昨晚我看见和你在一起的不是朱迪,那会是谁呢? The plot thickens: if it wasn't Judy I saw you with last night,who was it?
- 你知道他们在等谁吗? Do you know who they is waiting?
- 你知道她在等谁吗? Do you know whom she is waiting for?
- 如果你所在部门的利润前景惨淡,那么你在公司的前景也不会乐观。 If your division's profit outlook is bleak,so may be your future with the company.
- 我们遭此惨败怨谁呢? Who do we have to thank for this fiasco?
- 没有你在时间怎么走的那么慢,我猜那是因为我离开了你。 The time is passing so slowly now guess, that's my life without you.
- 那么她会是谁呢? And who might she be?
- 你在等包裹来吗? Are you looking for a parcel?
- 你在这里工作吗?我们大家都以为你会在上海定居下来呢。 Do you work here? We all thought you would dig yourself in in Shanghai.
- 我哪知道你在等我? How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me?
- 那么, 那是谁呢? Well, who was it?
- 我感觉到自己躺在这里是如此的可怜和丑陋,但是我还在等你。 I feel so pathetic and ugly laying here, waiting for you.
- 如果一只海狸需要补牙,那么它应该去找谁呢? If a beaver needed dental work, where would it go?
- 如果你在某一领域有专家意见,那么在你的网志上分享。 If you have expertise in a certain area, share it on your blog.
- 如果你在等公共汽车,你最好排队。 If you are waiting for a bus you'd better join the queue.
- 世界交在恶人手中。蒙蔽世界审判官的脸,若不是他,是谁呢? When a land falls into the hands of the wicked, he blindfolds its judges. If it is not he, then who is it?
- "我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?" "We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?"