- 那么葱爆肉怎么样呢? How about fried mution with scallion?
- 有人就问他说:“如果用你的矛来刺你的盾,会怎么样呢?” Now someone came up and asked him:"If you hold up your spear to pierce through your shield,what will happen?"
- 爆胎 tyre burst
- "那又怎么样呢?"汤姆绷着脸说。 "So what?" Tom said sullenly.
- 爆开 pop
- 他磨快了刀准备切肉。 He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat.
- 惊爆 produce
- 这事并不那么紧急。 It was not all that urgent.
- 这肉有猪肉味。 The meat relishes of pork.
- 我才不管他妈的拿破仑的骨灰会是怎么样呢。 I do not care a twopenny damn what become of the ashes of napoleon.
- 他没有理由那么怀疑。 He had no warrant for his suspicion.
- 宫爆鸡丁 chicken cubes in chilly sauce
- 木须肉 omelet with shredded pork
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 他无权那么做。 He had no warrant for his action.
- 爆燃 deflagrate
- 这肉有点蒜味。 The meat had a smack of garlic.
- 怎么会呢 How come ...
- 爆音 sonic boom
- 我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包。 We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread.