- 透射式工业CT检测 transmitting computed tomography
- 将松弛系数和迭代间像素值约束引入有序子集-最大似然期望算法中,构造出应用于发射CT中的ROSEM算法引入到透射式工业CT中。 Relaxation parameters and smooth operations on pixels after each iteration step are introduced into the OSEM algorithm,forming Relaxed OSEM(ROSEM).
- 透射式工业计算机断层扫描成像技术 TICT
- CT检测 CT detection
- CT检测法 CT examination technology
- 在X射线源透射式工业计算机断层扫描成像技术(X-TICT)中,X射线透射物质时,发生了Compton光子散射现象,有用信息连同散射光子一起进入探头形成伪影。 In the case of a polychromatic source in X-ray TICT,the phenomenon of Compton photon scattering in material takes place.
- CT检测系统 CT testing system
- 交换式工业以太网 switched industrial Ethernet
- 嵌入式工业计算机 embed industrial computer
- CT检测妊娠 Low-dose spiral CT
- 装有照相机和偏振镜的透射式光学显微镜 transmitted-light microscope with camera and polarizer
- 爆炸物CT检测 CT detection
- 嵌人式工业芯片组 embedded industrial module
- 工业CT The Industrial CT
- 透射式 transmission-type
- 集装箱CT检测系统 container CT inspection system
- 集中式工业污水处理厂 Centralized industrial sewage treatment plant
- 箱包DR-CT检测系统 luggage DR-CT inspection system
- 铟封前后透射式GaAs光电阴极光谱响应特性的测试与分析 Measurement and Analysis of Spectral Response Characteristic of Transmission-Mode GaAs Photocathode before and after Indium Seal
- 工业CT图像 Industrial CT image