- 选择CpL株为研究对象。 The CpL strain was chosen as research object.
- 犯罪学以犯罪、罪犯、犯罪行为以及刑罚为研究对象的学科 The scientific study of crime, criminals, criminal behavior, and corrections.
- 冶金学以金属及其聚合时和呈原子状态时的特性为研究对象的学科 The study of metals and their properties in bulk and at the atomic level.
- 因而,设计PCR引物时宜选择Takahashi等分离株为标准。 In China these viruses share high homology with Takahaski’s strains which might be good standards for primer designation.
- 低温学:以低温现象为研究对象的学科. Cryogenics:The production of low temperatures or the study of low-temperature phenomena.
- 低温学以低温现象为研究对象的学科 The production of low temperatures or the study of low-temperature phenomena.
- 以某高炮和某加农炮为研究对象,利用MSC/ADAMS构建了虚拟试验环境。 Taking a certain type of anti-aircraft gun and a certain type of cannon as study objects, virtual test environment was established by means of MSC/ADAMS.
- 以立意取样方式选择南部某电信公司全体员工为实验组研究对象。 The exper I men tal group, which con sisted of 133 sub jects, par tic i pated in a pro gram of exer cise inter ven tion.
- 本文以Buck ZCS PWM变换器为具体研究对象. This paper chooses Buck ZCS PWM converter as the study object.
- 本文阐述了作者以HONEYWELL DPS6、DPS8为研究对象所进行的远程计算机网络的实验研究。 The experimental research on remote computer network based on Honeywell DPS 6 and DPS 8 is presented.
- 未来的人类学不会以原始人为主要的研究对象。 The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
- 劣生学,以种族退化为研究对象的一门生物学学科,尤指一定的种族或种属。 The biological study of the factors producing degeneration in offspring,especially of a particular race or species.
- 设计:以解剖学标本为研究对象的单一样本观察。 DESIGN: It was a single sample study with anatomical specimen as subjects.
- 取气膜孔前后3倍气膜孔径范围为研究对象。 The research is focused on upstream and downstream film holes.
- 以语言和其他文化行为之间的关系为研究对象的学科。 The study of the interrelationship between language and other cultural behavior.
- 贝类学动物学的一个分支,以软体动物和贝类为研究对象 The branch of zoology that deals with the study of mollusks and shells.
- 犯罪学,以犯罪、罪犯、犯罪行为以及刑罚为研究对象的学科。 The scientific study of crime,criminals,criminal behavior,and corrections.
- 设计:以患者为研究对象,随机、盲、慰剂对照的前瞻性研究。 DESIGN: Randomized, single blind and placebo control prospective study based on patients.
- 语言文化因素学以语言和其他文化行为之间的关系为研究对象的学科 The study of the interrelationship between language and other cultural behavior.