- 退色或粘贴剥落; Color fading or adhesion failure of decals.
- 粘贴 plaster
- 或 might
- 退色或变黄 lose their color or turn yellow
- 选择性粘贴 paste special
- 拷贝或粘贴该行较小的部分。 Copy and paste smaller portions of the line.
- 厚厚地抹或粘贴 plaster over
- 退色 fade
- 将下面的代码键入或粘贴到Sub Main方法的结尾(在查询说明之后) Type or paste the following code at the end of the Sub Main method (after the query description)
- 粘贴的 stickup
- 或称 also called
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动 An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 粘贴链接 paste link
- 请您届时携带夫人或其他一位客人光临。我们期待着您的到来。 Come and bring your wife of other guest. We look forward to seeing you.
- 内科医生或外科医生 A physician or surgeon.
- 脑筋急转弯一个考验智力的问题或难题 A mentally challenging problem or puzzle.
- 大于或等于 greater than or equal to (GE)
- 不易被发现或察觉的 Not readily noticeable.
- 达到要求的或预期的标准;成功 Reach the required or expected standard; succeed
- (电视或广播的)节目主持人 Presenter of a television or radio programme