- 退休后你干什么? What will you do after you retire?
- 能告诉我们自温网后你干了些什么吗? Would you mind telling us just a few of the things that you've done since Wimbledon?
- 后 queen
- 他退休后靠年金维生。 He lives on his annuity after retirement.
- 接下来你要干什么? What will you do next?
- 他退休后成为一名守夜者。 He worked as a watchman after his retirement.
- 你究竟在干什么? What ever are you doing?
- 备生病时或退休后用的积蓄 a cushion of savings against sickness or retirement
- 起床以后你干什么了? What did you do after you got up ?
- 愿您退休后轻松愉快! Have a wonderful retirement!
- 我存了些钱以备退休后用。 I've got some money put by for my retirement.
- 弗雷德:你辛苦了,乔治。你在干什么? Fred: You are working hard, George. What are you doing?
- 他退休后就搞起了园艺。 He took to gardening in his retirement.
- 下周这个时候你干什么? What will you do this time next week?
- 起床后你将做什么? What will you do after you get up?
- 我打算退休后到南部去。 I want to retire to the sun belt.
- 这周末你干什么? What will you do during this weekend?
- 退休后我将在乡间安家。 When I retire, I shall make my home in the country.
- 退休后你怎么消磨时光? How will you pass your time after you are retired?
- 你干什么去? What are you going to do?