- 违背誓言而撒谎的证人; a witness who lied under oath;
- 既使我们把他的丑事张扬出去,我想他也会宁肯吃点苦头也不愿违背自己的誓言而开口。 Even if we aired his dirty linen I think he'd prefer minor martyrdom to talking, betraying his vows.
- 违背誓言 unswear
- 而 (shows contrast)
- 他因恐惧而撒谎。 Fear led him to tell lies.
- 违背誓言或诺言 The breach of an oath or a promise.
- 所有的证人必须记住一定要保证讲真话,不得有半句谎言。 All witnesses must remember that they have been placed on oath and must speak the exact truth.
- 禁欲的人禁绝性关系的人,尤指因为宗教誓言而禁欲的人 One who abstains from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows.
- 他证词不一致,很明显,他是一个撒谎的证人。 Inconsistencies in his testimony made it obvious that he was a lying witness.
- 不是有人说过,数字不会撒谎,而撒谎者都会瞎编数字吗? Who was it said that figures don't lie, but liars figure?
- 针对信仰的种种邪恶--亵渎神灵与异端邪说、目无上帝与违背誓言; the sins against religion --- sacrilege and heresy, blasphemy and perjury;
- 证人 witness
- 撒谎 tell a lie
- 而不是 instead of
- 违背 to violate
- 誓言 oath
- 正式确认向有权威的证人正式确认以保证法律上的有效性 A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity.
- 撒谎的人 falsifier
- 针对信仰的种种邪恶--亵渎神灵与异端邪说、目无上帝与违背誓言 the sins against religion --- sacrilege and heresy, blasphemy and perjury
- 而后 then