- 这里可以拍照吗? May I take pictures here?
- 这儿可以拍照吗? Are we allowed to take pictures here?
- 你一定知道,等下我进去可以拍照吗? You must know, can I take pictures inside the temple?
- 可以拍照吗? Could I take pictures, please?
- 请问,美术馆里的绘画可以拍照吗? Excuse me. Is it okay to take photos of the paintings in the gallery?
- 在这里 here
- 参观时可以拍照吗? Is one allowed to take pictures during visit?
- 您在这里可以使用欧元付款。 You can choose to pay with Euros.
- 高大的老树优雅斜身,阴影大地;从这里可以看到城市的鸟瞰图。 Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.
- 是吗 is that right
- 在这里可以尽情钓鱼、游泳和跳舞。 Fishing,bathing,and dancing can be indulged there.
- 鼠标控制,看到闪电后按鼠标就可以拍照,拍到后就会显示你的反应时间。 Mouse control, see lightning, followed by the mouse can take pictures, take pictures will be shown after your reaction time.
- 我们在这里可以自由地交换观点和想法,用不着考虑上下级关系。 We freely exchange opinions and ideas around here, regardless of rank relationship.
- 你能帮我拍照吗? Could you take a picture for me?
- 从这里可以看出,特殊客户的期望可以快速而经济的转化为专用设计。 From which it can be seen that special customer wishes can be quickly and economically turned into individual designs.
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 在这里可以冶铁并制成铁块,作为后继工序制造器物、甲、器和工具的原料. IRONWORKS_ DESC; At this place iron was cleaned and worked into pieces for later usage as materials for objects and armour, weapons and instruments.
- 18您在这里可以欣赏精彩的、扣人心弦的武术表演,也可以观赏京剧节目和杂技表演。 18 Here you will not only enjoy fabulous and exciting performances by martial artists, but also Peking Opera and acrobatics show.
- 这些花我可以摘一些吗? May I pluck some of these flowers?
- 在这里可以看到,语法是AOP实现之间的主要区别因素,而核心的AOP机制通常非常相似。 As you ll learn here, syntax is one of the primary differentiating factors between the AOP implementations, whereas the core AOP mechanisms are often very similar.