- 这都是干什么呢? What's all this about?
- 这都是干什么呢! What is all this about!
- 这都是干什么呢? What's all this about?
- 这都是毫无作用的。告诉你,你是在白费力气。 It's all to no purpose. I tell you that you are ploughing the sand.
- 坐在大门口,他楞了好大半天,心中空了,忘了他是干什么呢。 He sat outside the courtyard gate for a long time, his mind a blank, his errand forgotten.
- 我们已在芝加哥获得了6次总决赛冠军,这都是团队齐心协力的结果。 We have won championships in Chicago because of teamwork and team unity.
- 在会议中秘书的职责是干什么呢? What is a secretary's duty for a conference?
- 对于他来说最大的打击就是他未能参与季前赛,这都是令我们感到失望的事情。 For him not to be able to play in pre-season is frustrating for him and bitterly disappointing for us.
- 将补过的旧鞋穿在脚上,把旧衣服穿在身上。他们所带的饼都是干的,长了霉了。 The men put worn and patched sandals on their feet and wore old clothes. All the bread of their food supply was dry and moldy.
- 呆呆的看着,他几乎不知那是干什么呢。 He stared blankly, as if unaware of what they were doing.
- 对任何人说来,这都是可悲的日子。 It was a sorrowful day for everybody.
- 这都是些什么人在搞市场推广。 What the kind of people over there at their marketing rep, okay.
- 你在那儿干什么呢,您这小捣蛋? What are you doing there you little monkey?
- 在过去对还未发生的事件作出反应,并将会受到你自己未来的影响,这都是可能的。 It is possible to react in the past to an event that has not occurred, and to be influenced by your own future.
- 我们干什么都是彻底的。 We do nothing by halves.
- “阿岱!你怎么老是说起他,他能干什么呢?”瑞拉非常生气。 "Adai! You never stop talking about Adai. What can he do?" Rilla said. She felt angry.
- 我想这都是因为你太淘气让我着急。 I expect it's because you are so naughty and cause me so much worry.
- 这都是流行歌曲惹得祸,又能责备谁呢? C: That's the fault of pop songs. But who can blame?
- 亲爱的,悉尼的确是个好地方。我现在特别开心。明天干什么呢? Oh honey, Sydney really is a wonderful place, isn't it? I feel so happy. What should we do tomorrow?
- 我祖上三代都是干这行儿的。 My family has been engaged in this trade for three generations.