- “你挣多少钱?” “这跟你有什么关系?” 'How much do you earn?' 'What's it got to do with you?'
- 这跟你有什么关系? what has it got to do with you?
- 这跟你有什么关系?不关你的事儿。 What's it to you? It's not your business.
- 博根队长你认为这跟护身符有什么关系吗? Say, Captain Borgen, do you think that it could have something to do with the amulet?
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 这跟你的想法不同。 It is other than you think.
- 我这山谷跟你有什么相干,你为什么留在这儿不走呢? What is my valley to you, that you shouldst tarry in it?
- "如果你愿意,明天再做吧。" "有什么关系?我明天同样会很忙。" "Do it tomorrow instead if you'd rather." "What's the odds? I shall be just as busy tomorrow."
- 你的一个选择是选择表演,这跟你开始的计划完全的不一样。 One choice you made was to pursue acting--something entirely different from your first plan.
- 你做的对。可跟你手机有什么关系? You did the right thing, But what happened to your cell phone?
- 你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的? Have you got any proof that you own this bike?
- 这跟你没有关系。 This has nothing to do with you.
- 亚尼纳和它的总督与你有什么关系呢,爱德蒙? What are Yanina and its vizier to you, Edmond?
- 你的性欲因为这相位而增强,但是有必要约束那些跟你有智力交流的伙伴。 Your sex drive is expanded by this aspect, but it's necessary to restrict partners to those with whom you have intellectual rapport.
- 我的烟抽完了,但这有什么关系呢?反正我正好想戒烟。 I've run out of cigarettes but what's the odds? I'm trying to give up smoking anyway.
- 不要什么事都打听,这跟你无关。 Don't poke your nose into everything. This is none of your business.
- 上帝跟宰猪这种龌龊事有什么关系。 What's God got to do with such a messy job as a pig-killing.
- 如果没有,而是要别人照着你的方式生活,你就是在限制别人,要求他们跟你有同样的思维方式,这正是在抹杀别人的个性。 If we can't,but demand that everybody act and live as we ourselves do,then we are denying others'right to individuality.
- 至于他是从谁那里弄到这本书,这又有什么关系呢? But what matter from whom he got the book?
- 你有什么想法尽管跟他们讲,不要有顾虑。 Don't be shy of telling them what you think.