- 这药我该服多少? How many of these should I take?
- 这 this
- 这药每小时服一次。 This medicine is to be taken hourly.
- 啊,如果我要有哪怕3天的视力,多少事我该看啊! Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just three days!
- 这药每隔一天随温水服一次。 Take this medicine with warm water every other day.
- 这位 this (person)
- 啊,如果我要有哪怕3天的光明,多少事我该看啊! Oh,the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just three days!
- 这药很快起作用。 The medicine operated quickly.
- 这类 this kind (of)
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 药瓶上写着这药四小时服一汤匙。 It says on the bottle to take a spoonful of this medicine every four hours.
- 而且,我该为艳丽的落日光辉而祈祷。 And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.
- 请你算一算我该付多少钱。 Please reckon up how much I must pay.
- 这药服了马上奏效。 This medicine will have immediate efficacy.
- 大夫详细地告诉我该何时服药以及如何服药 The doctor give me explicit instructions on when and how to take the medicine
- 这药能消解毒性。 This drug will counteract the effects of poison.
- 我妈妈一个人在家,现在我该回去了。 My mother is by herself ; I must go home now .
- 这药使他行为非常古怪。 The drug made him behave quite oddly.
- 是我该把奋斗的打算付诸行动的时候了。 It's time that I put my intentions of hard work into action.
- 他一口吞下这药。 He took the medicine at one swallow.