- 这种烹饪法肯定很不错??这些不是跟你在世界各地的餐厅和比萨店可以买到的鸡翅一样吗? It must have been a good recipe ? aren't these the same as the chicken wings you can buy at restaurants and pizza parlors around the world?
- 您看到华伦继承了海军事业,肯定很高兴。 No doubt you're glad to see Warren carrying on the Navy tradition.
- 这种 this kind of
- 乔安娜,你父亲没有把真相告诉我,肯定很为难。 It must have been difficult for your father not to tell me, Joanna.
- 这种很不错,我就要这种了。 This one is very attractive.I think I'll choose this type.
- 你应该试试这种新烹饪法--味道好极了。 You've got to try this new recipe it's delicious.
- 很久 a month of Sundays
- 很大的 prodigiouss
- 很可能 in all probability
- 理论上它似乎很不错,但实际上却行不通。 It seems good in theory, but it doesn't work in practice.
- 很难 very difficult
- 你的作文读起来很不错。 Your compositions read well.
- 很不错的主意。 Sounds great.
- 这很不错了。 That is pretty well.
- 这眼泉水味道醇甜,用它沏茶肯定很不错。 This spring water is pure and sweet, so it is good for making tea.
- 这很难说:一些英国人有很不错的表现,另一些(像我这种)就差远了。 Hard to say: some of the Brits did well, others (like me) fell by the wayside.
- 我和她相处得很不错。 I manage to rub along with her.
- 我们的电视机性能很不错。 Our TV set works pretty well.
- 你的新汽车开起来还很不错。 Your new car seems to run very nicely.
- 即使是小小的成功也很不错了。 Even a small success is not to be spurned.