- "来和她谈谈吧," 玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。 "Come and talk to her, " said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
- 最后,人们认识到这条消息最初是从4月愚人节发出来的,整个事件都不存在,只是一个开大了的玩笑罢了。 Eventually people realized that the original message was sent on "April Fools Day" and that the whole event was nothing but a joke taken too far.
- 如果离开了这条普遍真理,不实现社会主义,那末中华人民共和国和中国共产党就不要存在了。 If we deviate from this universal truth and give up our efforts to establish socialism,the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party would have no need to exist.
- "非" 门电路 inverter circuit
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 4个人费尽力气才把那块很重的岩石搬到合适的地方。 It took four men to wrestle the heavy rock into place.
- "或" 门电路 OR circuit
- 1949年之后,在政府的帮助下,农民开始着手改变这一局面。 After1949, with the help of the government, the peasants set out to change this picture.
- "他终当然会拿到更高的薪水。" "那要看他什么时候有这个资格。" "Of course he will get a higher salary eventually." "If or when he qualifies."
- 8月1日,在这一天庆祝这些节日 August1, the day on which these feasts were celebrated.
- "异" 门电路 anticoincidence circuit
- 林荫路 mall
- 5点之前做完这项工作是轻而易举的事。 Get this job do by five o'clock will be a cinch.
- "今天晚上你到火车站见我,把钱带来。" "遵命" 。 "You'll meet me tonight at the railway station and bring me the money." "All serene."
- 宽条带 wide strip
- "或非" 门电路 OR-NOT circuit
- "我们到哪儿去?" "我无所谓。你要去哪儿都成。" "Where should we go?" "I don't care! Any where you want."
- "我是这公司最棒的秘书。" -- "我才不信呢。" "I'm the best secretary in the company." "Says you."
- 白色条带 white ribbon
- 空心铆钉牵条 hollow rivet stay