- 这条河真大,它有多宽?迈克尔:平均宽度是一百米。 Joanna: This river is so big. How wide is it?
- 这条河真可说是桀骜不驯,猛不可当。 The stream had a force and a persistence which seemed alive.
- 这条河真可说是桀骜不驯,猛不可当。 The stream had a force and a persistence which seemed alive.
- 高温;高价;他事业的顶点;高风险;抱有极大的希望;强风;这条河很大。 a high temperature; a high price; the high point of his career; high risks; has high hopes; high winds; the river is high.
- 我用步子量过这条路,我知道它有多长。 I paced the path and I know how long it is.
- 他们引这条河里的水灌溉庄稼。 They irrigate their crops with water from this river.
- 这条河起源于哪里?它的源头在山里吗? Where does the river rise? Does it rise among the mountains?
- 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点? Can we dredge the river to make it deeper?
- 那时候这条河被淤泥阻塞着。 The river was in those days choked up with silt.
- 这条河在下游三英里处岔流。 The river forks three miles down.
- 这条河不深,大船不能航行。 The river is not deep and big ships can not use it.
- 他建议在这条河上造一座桥。 He proposed building a bridge across this river.
- 这条河春天河水泛滥。 The river floods in the spring.
- 这条河春季里能航行。 The river is open in spring.
- 这条河全结冰了。 The river froze over.
- 这条河宽是多少? What is the breadth of this river?
- 这条河在流向黄海的途中有11条小河汇入。 Eleven streams mingle in this river on its way to the Yellow Sea.
- 他们决定在这条河上建一座水坝。 They have decided to build a dam across the river.
- 这条河穿过我们的村子。 The river runs through our village.
- 这条河是两国的界河。 The river is the boundary between the two countries.