- 这机器拆得开吗? Does the machine come to pieces?
- 这 this
- 把机器拆装出口 export a machine in sections
- 你这样说他,他脸上磨得开吗? Don't you think your sharp criticism would embarrass him?
- 我得告诉你,这机器没法修理了。 I have to tell you that the machine is beyond repair.
- 这机器价格昂贵,很难普及使用。 The high cost of the machine prohibits its widespread use.
- 这位 this (person)
- 你真想得开。 You are a philosopher.
- 这类 this kind (of)
- 听盖我弄不开,你能把它弄开吗? The lid of this tin won't come off for me; can you move it?
- 这项 this (thing)
- 这边的 hither
- `再来一点酒好吗?'`不要了,我不能再喝了。我还得开车回家呢。' `Some more wine?' `Thank you, I'd rather not. I have to drive home.'
- 这机器已被大规模地改造过。 The machine has been extensively modified.
- 抱歉打扰一下,你知道下一班去往费城的火车什么时候开吗? Excuse me, do you know when the next train for Philadelphia leaves?
- 机器运转得不正常。 The machine is not operating properly.
- 在这方面 in this respect
- 这机器经使用后,很快就会更好使了。 The machine will soon be easier with use.
- 孩子们被弄得反应像机器一样。 The children were programmed to make the right responses.
- 可以借用你的开罐器吗? Can I borrow your can opener?