- 这有什么可奇怪的呢小孩用泥土堆成一座城堡。 The child builds a castle with clay.
- 这有什么可奇怪的呢?我看没有。 Is there anything surprising about it? I don't think so.
- 这有什么可奇怪的呢?我看没有。 Is there anything surprising about it? I don't think so.
- 情况既然如此,那么目前日本按人口平均培养出比我们多一倍以上的工程师,他们设计出的产品比我们美国的好,又有什么可奇怪的呢? Given this situation, is it any surprise that Japan now produces more than twice as many engineers per capita, and that as a consequence Japanese products are better engineered than American products?
- 求职者中有一个是经理的姪女,结果她被录用了 这有什么奇怪的呢。 One of the candidates was the manager's niece, and surprise, surprise, she got the job.
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 他们不愿冒旅途中的风险,这也没有什么可奇怪的。 Their unwillingness to face the dangers of the journey was not surprising.
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- "那个市议员一直在对这个公司施加很大的压力,要他们接受这批劣质原料。" That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 可奇怪的是,俄罗斯的东部往往不算是东方和东亚,尽管俄罗斯比欧亚大陆块的任何一个国家向东延伸得都更远。 Ironically,the eastern part of Russia is usually excluded from the definitions of the Orient and East Asia,even though Russia extends farther to the east than any other country on the Eurasian landmass.
- "如果你愿意,明天再做吧。" "有什么关系?我明天同样会很忙。" "Do it tomorrow instead if you'd rather." "What's the odds? I shall be just as busy tomorrow."
- 她没有什么可抱怨的。 She has nothing to grumble about.
- 奇怪的是,这种情况下的决策相对要简单一些,就像能够控制两个端点那样。 Oddly enough, the decisions in this case are relatively simple - just as they are when you have control of both endpoints.
- "你还有什么好说的?" "没有。" "What have you got to say for yourself?" "Nothing."
- "如果没有什么阻碍的话,这项任务将提前完成。" The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents.
- 你有什么事吗? Is there anything the matter with you?
- 这有时叫某些并不做生意的小贩莫名其妙地发了财,可奇怪的是,这附近却没有人乐意承担一个点灯夫的费用。 Small tradesmen,who did no business whatever,sometimes unaccountably realised large fortunes,and it was remarkable that nobody in the neighbourhood could endure a lamplighter.
- 有什么区别么? what difference does it make?
- 有什么地方值得怀疑吗? Is there any room for doubt?