- 这是您所有的行李吗? Is this all your luggage (baggage)?
- 这是您的行李吗? Is this all your luggage?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 行李员: 这是您的行李吗? Is this luggage your?
- 请把您所有的行李放在秤上好吗? Would you please put all your luggage on the scales?
- 请向前看。我量下瞳孔距离.55毫米。这是您的配镜处方。 Please look straight ahead. Let me check the distance between the pupils. It's 55mm. Here is the prescription for you glasses.
- 这是一次较难的测试,班上所有的学生都得了较低的分数。 This is a hard test in which the class all make low scores.
- 那是您的行李吗? Is that your luggage?
- 你所有的行李都托运了吗? Have you checked all your baggage?
- 这是您和劳拉的大好消息!从各方面看,她是一个非常好的女孩子。我祝贺你们幸福。 That's great news about you and Laura! She's a wonderful girl in every way, and I congratulate you on your good fortune.
- 这些是您的行李吗? Are the se your baggage?
- 这是个在生活中进行的实验,并非所有的实验都在实验室中完成。 It was an experiment in living; not all experimentation is done in laboratories.
- 这是您的手提包吗? Is this your handbag?
- 这是一场神圣的战争,我们将不停地战斗,直到所有的贫穷,娼妓和剥削一扫而光。 This is a holy war,and we shall not cease until all destitution,prostitution and exploitation are swept way.
- 这是您的票。 Here are your tickets.
- 好的,马拉特,我们希望你在这次比赛中好运,这是你所有的球迷的祝愿。 Well Marat, we wish you lots of luck in the tournament and best wishes from all of your Fans.
- 您的行李我们会通过货运,给您运到当地的机场货运处,请问是您本人去取行李吗? We shall transport our baggage by cargo service, and it will arrive at the local cargo terminal. Will you pick up your baggage personally?
- 这是您的酒。 Here is your drink, sir.
- 这是本很棒的书,但是它的风格是非常学术化的并不一定适合所有的读者。 This is a great book but it is written in a dense, academic style that will make it inaccessible to some readers.
- 这是您的水饺。 Here comes the Chinese dumplings.