- 这是对方的传真号吗? Is this the code number of the receiver?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 百事和可口可乐公司长期以来都是对方的主要竞争对手。 Pepsi and Coke have been arch rivals for a long time.
- 修复瘟疫可能把击杀所得金钱给与不死魔王而不是对方的 Fixed Plague from giving the kill credit to the Dirge instead of the damage dealer
- 这是我方主要货品的目录单,您先看一看,对我方产品有更多的了解,好吗? Here is the catalogue covering our main items. Will not you have a look first, just to get more idea of our product?
- 我们今晚输球的唯一原因是对方的进攻篮板。 Offensive rebounds is the only thing that killed us tonight.
- 乘坐英航199号班机飞往罗马的乘客,这是最後一次通知。 This is the last call for passengers travelling on flight BA 199 to Rome.
- 你们彼此谈一谈,讨厌对方的习惯而不是对方那个人,摒除坏的品质而不是那个人。 You talk about it. Hate the habit but not the person. Throw away the bad qualities but not the person.
- "返回正在燃烧的大楼内去营救被困在里面的受伤者,这是一种英雄行为。" It was an act of heroism to go back into the burning building to save the wounded trapped within.
- 欢迎你来到南宁!这是你第一次来吗? Welcome to Nanning! Is this your first time here?
- 在许多方面,我们都是对方的竞争对手,这情形更会继续下去。不过,如果亚洲只有一处地方像香港或新加坡,我们的日子将会更加平淡,处境会更加困难。 In many ways we are and will remain competitors but how much duller and more difficult it would be for both of us if there were only one point like us in Asia.
- 他们结婚搬新居那天,那只狗也跟着住进去,所以两个人都以为是对方养的狗。 When they moved in the new house, the dog moved in too, the day of their marriage. Both thought that the dog belonged to the other.
- 这确实是一个里程碑,但这是庆祝或担忧的理由吗? It is a milestone for sure but is this a cause for celebration or anxiety?
- 在许多方面,我们都是对方的竞争对手,这情形更会继续下去。不过,如果亚洲祗有一处地方像香港或新加坡,我们的日子将会更加平淡,处境会更加困难。 In many ways we are and will remain competitors but how much duller and more difficult it would be for both of us if there were only one point like us in Asia.
- 对你来说,这是一个十分重要的决定,仔细考虑一下吧。 It's an important decision for you, so take your time to think it over.
- 只能在射门区内攻进的球才能得分。射门区是对方球门前的一个大致呈半圆形的区域。 It can only be taken from the shooting circle,a roughly semi-circular area in front of the opponents'goal.
- 问:所以这是迈凯轮苏醒的一个标志吗? Q: So does this mark a resurgence for McLaren?
- 问:这是第二届土耳其大奖赛,与去年相比会有什么变化吗? Q: This is the second Turkish Grand Prix. Will that change anything compared to last year?
- 在财务方面,要徵询与之无利益关系者的意见,这是十分重要的。 In financial matter it is important to get disinterested advice.