- 当象乌兹别克和阿曼这样的队出线,这是什么样的世界杯? What kind of world cup is it when teams like oman or Uzbek. Will qualify to it?
- 这是什么样的句子?它是简单句还是并列句? What kind of sentence is this? Is it a simple or a compound sentence?
- 他是我们常在报上看到的人物,但我们不知道他是什么样的人。 He was somebody you read of every other day in the newspaper, yet we couldn't put a name to him.
- 这 this
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 这是什么样的? What's this like?
- 这是什么样的妻子啊谈论那些关于她丈夫的事情? What kind of wive says those things about her husband?
- 这些就是我发自内心深处的精神动力。你是什么样的人呢? "Those are my deep-seated, emotional reasons. What are yours? "
- 由于这是与本人钱财有关的事,我想要全面了解一下你们的投资政策。 Since it concerns my money, I want to have a thorough understanding of your policy on investment.
- 如果你不进行反思,那这是什么样的创意性? If one does not reflect, can one be labelled a creative person?
- "返回正在燃烧的大楼内去营救被困在里面的受伤者,这是一种英雄行为。" It was an act of heroism to go back into the burning building to save the wounded trapped within.
- 我想试试中国式的酒,是什么样的酒? I think I'll try a Chinese one. What are they like?
- 对你来说,这是一个十分重要的决定,仔细考虑一下吧。 It's an important decision for you, so take your time to think it over.
- 这根又是什么样的? And what's this piece like?
- 我已尽力告诉他她是一个什么样的女孩,但是他相信她比白雪还要洁白。 I've tried to tell him what kind of a girl she is, but he's convinced that she's purer than the driven snow.
- 在财务方面,要徵询与之无利益关系者的意见,这是十分重要的。 In financial matter it is important to get disinterested advice.
- 这又是什么样的? And what's this like?
- 图一:一个标准的公文包是什么样的? Fig1. What a standard briefcase should be?
- 因时间仓促,没有充分及时安排,这是我唯一深感遗憾的事。 My only regret is that on account of lacking of time, I can not pay enough attention to the arrangement.
- 我从来无法完全了解他,看不出他到底是什么样的人。 I could never get next to him to find out what he was really like.