- 这引擎有几个汽缸? How many cylinders does this engine have?
- 这 this
- 一种矮的木本的多年生植物,有几个大的分枝。 a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branches.
- 这发动机只有三个汽缸工作。 The engine is only firing on three cylinders.
- 联赛中有几个项目由于大雪而取消了。 Several fixtures in the League program have been snowed off.
- 她口袋里有几个硬币,但是没有便士。 She had several coins in her pocket,but no pennies.
- 目前这家建筑商有几项工程在进行。 The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment.
- 警方已秘密跟踪他几个月了。 The police have been shadowing him for months.
- 没有几个人识破我的伪装。 Not many people managed to penetrate my disguise.
- 这款桌子有几种不同的高度供选择。 The table is available in several different heights.
- 当时有几个评论家正在攻击他。 Some critics were then having a tilt at him.
- 关于这项写作任务,以下有几点建议。 Here are some pointers on how to go about the writing task.
- 留有几个提出的问题 Several unasked questions remain.
- 这艘船在亚丁和伦敦之间的几个港口停靠。 The ship calls at several ports between Aden and London.
- 这支乐队首张专辑有几支很棒的曲子。 The band did some great stuff on their first album.
- 辅音的含有一个或几个辅音(字母)的 Containing a consonant or consonants.
- 这本书里有几课?这本书里有十二课。 How many lessons are there in this book? There are twelve lessons in this book.
- 他死後这土地就平分给了他的几个儿子。 On his death the land was divided equally among his sons.
- 您的团有几个人? How many are in your group?
- 这间书房的装饰品中,有几张国王乔治六世同蒙哥马利的合影,上有国王的签名。 Among the decorations in this study were several signed snapshots of King George VI together with Montgomery.