- 这幅画我们出什么价? What price shall we set on this painting?
- 我从阁楼上搜出这幅画像. I unearthed the portrait from the attic.
- 这种风格的画我们仅有这一幅。 This is the only painting in this style that we have.
- 你想出什么价? How much would you like it to be?
- 我很想知道这幅画能否修复。 I wonder if this picture can be restored.
- 您想出什么价? How much would you like it to is?
- 这幅画是我们家的传家宝。 This painting has been in our family for generations.
- 最低你能出什么价? What's the lowest you're willing to go?
- 这幅画完好无损 The painting was in mint condition.
- 这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。 This picture represents a scene at King Arthur's court.
- 这幅画显示了高超的技艺。 The picture showed the hand of a master.
- 她不大懂油画,对这幅风景画提不出什么意见。 She doesn't know enough about paintings to pass an opinion on this landscape.
- 这幅画比较平庸。 This painting is rather commonplace.
- 这幅画的构思不成熟。 The conception of the picture is undeveloped.
- 这幅画像很像你。 The painting is a good likeness of you.
- 你想这幅画可以卖多少钱? How much do you think this paint will go for?
- 这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。 The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors.
- 这幅画在拍卖中值多少钱? How much did the painting go for at the auction?
- 这幅画的线条很流畅。 The lines in this painting flow.
- 这幅画气韵生动。 The picture has a vivacious artistic conception.