- 这对人体有影响吗? Will it work on human beings?
- 这对人体有影响吗? Will it work on human beings?
- 纳税人:还没确定。这对纳税有影响吗? Taxpayer: we have not decided it. Is that important for tax?
- 武术散打训练对人体有氧工作能力影响的研究 Research on Body Aerobic Work Capacity in Wushu Sanda Training
- 这 this
- 长期以来,人们认为洗澡和沐浴对人体有医疗作用。 Bath and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man.
- 氡气对人体有什么影响? How does radon affect the human body?
- 谢谢你的建议,这对我很有帮助。 Thank you for your advice. It is so helpful to me.
- 这对你方便吗? Be it all right with you?
- 你知道光学纤维对通讯有影响吗? Do you know that optical fibers have impact on communications?
- 除了两个性染色体之外,人体有22对染色体。 Humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes.
- 排行顺序对成功有影响吗? Did birth order play a role in success?
- 你要什么就有什么,这对你并不好。 It isn't good for you to have everything you want.
- 吸食阿片类毒品对人体下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴及红细胞免疫功能的影响 Effects of Drugs on the Addicts'hypo - pituitary - gonad axis and cellular immune function
- 在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别。 There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.
- 问:看台上的圣歌对你们有影响吗? Did the chants from the stands annoy you?
- 三藩市-科学家首次发现一种红酒提取物对人体有抗衰老作用。 SAN FRANCISCO -- For the first time, scientists have proof in human subjects that a derivative of an ingredient in red wine combats some symptoms of aging.
- 我7点钟在进门大厅等你,这对你合适吗? I'll be waiting for you in the lobby at seven.Is that all right with you?
- 运动训练对人体在不同功能状态下血清中NO含量和NOS活性影响的研究 The Research on the Influence of NO Content and NOS Activity in Blood Serum on Body in the State of Different Function in Training
- 他们想要震动,这对你没有影响吗? They're asking for rumble-- does that influence you?