- 这套书一共多少本? How many books are there in this set?
- 把一套书拆散,取其中数本送人 Broke the set of books by giving some away.
- 您能告诉我,一共多少钱吗? Can you please tell me how much it is altogether?
- 这套西装式样时髦。 The suit has a fashionable cut.
- 你穿这套新衣看起来真帅。 You look spiffy in your new outfit.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 这套衣服上满是漂亮的绣花。 The dress was covered with beautiful embroidery.
- 一套书的上下册分别被看做一本书。 Each of the double books is reckoned as one book
- "纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家小旧书店里找到了他所需要的那本难得的书。" By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little second-hand bookshop.
- 谁替你裁剪的这套服装? Who cut the suit for you?
- 你到底为什么要穿上这套服装? Why on earth did you put on that outfit?
- 我从头至尾阅读了那本书。 I read the book without a skip.
- 请为我挑一本好书。 Please pick a good book for me.
- 这套新的监护仪是。 The new monitor apparatus is automatically controlled.
- 这本书引起了轰动。 The book caused quite a stir.
- 这套茶具可以拆卖吗? Can I just buy parts of this tea set?
- 这本书我可以借一两天吗? May I borrow the book for a day or two?
- 你穿这套新衣服很帅气。 You look smart in the new suit.
- 这本书不像该书护封上所描绘的那样好。 This book fails to give what the blurb describes.
- 这套衣服她穿上很难看。 the dress hung formlessly on her body.