- 这地毯每平方米多少钱? How much is this carpet per square metre?
- 这个地毯多少钱? How much does this carpet cost?
- 这地毯多少钱? What's the price of this rug?
- 这 this
- 多少 how much
- 钱 money
- 这地毯极其耐用。 The carpet will stand any amount of wear.
- 多少钱 how much
- 这地毯用久了也不会褪色。 The color of the carpet will not fade over time.
- 这地毯显然是手工织的。 The rug was obviously made by hand.
- 多少钱? How much is it?
- 这地毯很耐用,是不是? That carpet is wearing well, isn't it?
- 押金、一个月房租、房地产中介商的佣金、搬家费 ... 全部要准备多少钱呢? Damage deposit, one month's advance rent, realtor's commission, move fee ... how much shall I prepare altogether?
- 这地毯太厚,叠不起来。 This carpet is too thick to double up.
- 这地毯太厚没法折叠。 The carpet is too thick to double up.
- 这地毯和室内其他部分很协调。 The carpet is in keeping with the rest of the room.
- 这地毯每平方米22美元。 This carpet is 12 dollar per square metre.
- 这架照相机值多少钱? How much does the camera cost?
- 这地毯的面积是24平方英尺。 The area of this carpet is24 square feet.
- 这地毯不仅质量好,而且价格便宜。 Not only is the carpet good quality, it's also cheap.