- 这只猫抓人吗? Does the cat scratch?
- 小男孩被这只猫抓了几次之后就再也不惹它了。 After it had scratched him several times,the little boy let the cat alone.
- 这只猫的病显然没法治好了,老夫妇只得请人把它杀掉。 The cat was evidently incurable and the old couple had to get it put away.
- 你的猫会抓人吗? Does your cat scratch?
- 这只猫抓挠这把扶手椅。 The cat scraped at the armchair.
- 这猫要抓人。 The cat scratches.
- 这只猫蹲着不动。 The cat sat motionless.
- 这只竹篮是我自己编的。 This bamboo basket is my own work.
- 那只猫咬了他一口。 The cat gave him a nip.
- 这只花瓶的做工精美无比。 The vase is of matchless workmanship.
- 他被那只猫绊倒了。 He tumbled over the cat.
- 这只母鸡下蛋多。 This hen is a good layer.
- 对着我这只没毛病的耳朵说好吗? Can you speak into my good ear?
- 另外一个人看到自己不能单独抵抗这只熊。 The other man saw that he had no chance singlehanded against the bear.
- 这只小老虎看起来像只猫。 The little tiger looks like a cat.
- 这小孩在树上刻了一只猫 The little boy carved a cat in the tree
- 把这只猫赶出。 Chase this cat out.
- 这只小猫勉强挤过了墙上的那个小洞。 A small cat skinned through the hole in the wall.
- 这只猫急速摇动着尾巴。 The cat lashed her tail.
- 这只猫想要出去 The cat wants out.