- 这儿附近有理发厅吗? Is there a barber shop near here?
- 旅馆中有理发厅吗? Be there a barber shop in this hotel?
- 这儿附近有美容院吗? Is there a beauty parlor near here?
- 吗 morphine
- 这儿附近有药房吗? Is there a drugstore near here?
- 这儿附近有一个停车场。 There is a parking lot near here.
- 有几个形迹可疑的人总是在这儿附近转来转去。 There are some questionable characters from our point of view hanging about the neighbourhood.
- 附近有两只他们来这个岛坐的独木船。 Nearby were two canoes in which they had came to the island.
- 我还有个问题。我们忘记带毛巾了。请问附近有没有商店可以购买? One more question. We forgot to bring my towel. Is there any store around where I can buy one?
- 托儿所就在这儿附近。 The nursery is somewhere hereabout.
- 附近有教堂吗? Is there any church nearby?
- 每年在我们镇附近有一次汽车比赛。 There is a car race near our town every year.
- 昨天快半夜了这儿附近发生了火灾。 It was almost midnight that a fire broke out in the neighbourhood.
- 旅馆附近有一家店出售并冲洗胶卷。 There's a shop selling and developing film near the hotel.
- 他就在这儿附近弄到了些“雪片”。 He got some flake just around here.
- 附近有停车场吗? Is there a parking lot nearby?
- 四个英国师和整个法国第一集团军情势十分危急,在利尔附近有被切断之虞。 Four British divisions and the whole of the first French Army were now dire peril of being cut off around Lille.
- 在这儿附近的海面上出现了一条鲸鱼,看上去像一座山呢。 A whale as big as a mountain has been seen near the shore.
- 附近有饭店吗? Is there a restaurant handy?
- 在这儿附近 nearby