- 这件衣服耐洗吗? Does this dress wash?
- 这件丝质衬衫我必须手洗吗? Do I have to hand wash this silk shirt?
- 你能用一个晚上为我把这件衣服赶制好吗? Can you run the dress up for me in one evening?
- 这件套头毛衣耐洗。 This sweater washes well.
- 这件衣服是用密针脚缝上的。 The dress was sewn with small stitches.
- 这件晚礼服可以洗吗? Is this dinner jacket washable?
- 我怎么洗这件衣服? How should I wash this dress?
- 这件衣服是夏奈尔的吗? Is this suit a Chanel?
- 这件套衫很耐洗。 This sweater washes well.
- 我用一个晚上的时间匆匆缝好这件衣服。 I ran this dress up in one evening.
- 小姐,你想试试这件衣服吗? Would you like to try it on, miss?
- 这件套头毛衣耐洗. This sweater washes well.
- 这件衣服是真丝的吗? And is this dress made of pure silk?
- 这件衣服应当手洗。 This garment should be hand-washed.
- 她一时冲动买了这件衣服。 She bought the dress on impulse.
- 这件衣服有什么问题吗? Be there anything wrong with the suit?
- 这件衣服洗时会缩水。 This dress will shrink in the wash.
- 我得把这件衣服的腰改窄才合身。 I had to nip this dress in at the waist to make it fit.
- 这件衣服一洗,颜色都洇开了。 All the colors bled when the dress was washed.
- 这件衣服既合身又漂亮。 This dress is a beautiful fit.