- 这些画是不是要卖? Are these paintings for sale?
- 这些画是不是要卖? Are these paintings for sale?
- 我把我的这副杰作拿给大人看,我问他们我的画是不是叫他们害怕。 I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.
- 我们正在往下跑吗?是不是要逢低买进啊? Are we going lower? Or is this a good day to buy the dip?
- 这些画是那么无拘无束、那么充满激情,我情不自禁地一直在欣赏。 The paintings are so bold and dramatic. I can't stop looking at them.
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 我是在一个方括号中同时列了几篇文献的序号,是不是要分别打上方括号? In text citation of references should be in square brackets in line with the text.
- 大家是不是都看得懂这些画啊? Does everyone understand these paintings?
- 他不知道自己的画是好或是不好。亦对此无所谓。他完全沉醉于色彩之中。 He did not know whether his painting was good or bad.He did not care.He was drunk with color.
- 我不能,相信已经是分别的时候了。我真不知道我是不是要离开。 I can not believe the time have come to say goodbye. I am not really sure I want to leave.
- 印心后,她开始画很多画,贴得她的房间到处都是,现在她甚至想要将这些画寄给您。 After initiation, Anna began creating many drawings, which were put up all over her room. Now, she wants to send them to You
- 请你就这幅画是不是真迹的问题发表意见好吗? Will you pass on the authenticity of this painting?
- 在这上面性急是要吃亏的,在这上面提倡“速决”是不正确的。 Here impatience is harmful and advocacy of "quick decision" incorrect.
- 那么,我就谈谈全景画。全景画是要摸拟对广博景物的浏览感受。它在18世纪末期特别流行。 "Then, I will talk about panoramas. They were intended to simulate the sensation of scanning an extensive view. This form of painting was popular at the end of the 18th century."
- 这些经济学家想解决的难题并不是不公平本身。 The problem these economists want to tackle is not inequality per se.
- 当你说一幅画是赝品时,你是指它不是真品。 "When you say a painting is a fake, you mean it is not authentic."
- 汤母不是要买一把吉他就是要买一架钢琴。 Tom is going to buy either a guitar or a piano.
- 是不是这些调用是在客户端发生的呢? Yes, there is a proxy on the client side?
- 奥列芬特这样画是想强调他眼中的布什是不成熟的,而且依赖那些缺乏同情心的高层幕僚。 He wears the big Texas cowboy hat that Oliphant gives him to emphasize what the cartoonist considers his immaturity and dependence on a group of ruthless senior advisors.
- 相反,我不是要她忘记,而是要她记住。 Per contra I don't ask her to forget but to remember.