- 这些拖鞋都是特价吗? Are all these slipper on sale?
- 这种的现在是特价吗? Is it on sale?
- 都 all
- 连我的拖鞋都漏了底儿。” And my slippers leak."
- 这些 these
- 这些牛仔服特价吗? Are the jeans on sale?
- 所有这些安排都是为了主席会见记者们而筹划的。 All the arrangements have been set up for the journalists to meet the chairman.
- 你们有特价吗? Do you have any special rates?
- 这些商品是特价。 There are on sale.
- 以...数量为基础,贵公司能给特价吗? Can you make us a special offer based on a quantity of...?
- 这些防御工事都是上次战争时修筑的。 These fortifications were all built during the last war.
- 这件有皮带装饰的裙子在特价吗? Is this strapped skirt on sale?
- 所有这些高层楼都是在过去的十年当中建起来的。 All of the high-rise buildings have been built in the last ten years.
- 她不知道我们俩都是学生吗?我们应该各付各的 Do not she realize we are both students? We shall go Dutch.
- 说不定这些都是知识分子社会的副产物。 Perhaps they are concomitants of intellectual communities.
- 这些都是你的吗? Are these all yours?
- 这一整批的货都是送往相同的地方吗? Does this whole order go to the same place?
- 上述各项不同的政策,都是从这些阶级关系的区别而来的。 The diverse policies mentioned above all stem from these distinctions in class relations.
- 请问飞往亚特兰大的都是直达班机吗? Would you tell me, are the flights to Atlanta nonstop?
- 所有这些问题的本质都是体制问题。 Furthermore,all of these problems are structural in nature.